Example of Persuasive Essay
What Persuasive Writing Entails
Many students wonder what persuasive writing a.k.a argumentative writing entails. This post will give an example of persuasive essay elements, persuasive topic choices for those searching for a topic for persuasive writing, persuasive writing prompt examples from my collection of persuasive writing prompts for 5th grade, techniques of persuasive writing, graphic organizers for persuasive writing, anchor charts for persuasive writing, argumentative essay how to write, and samples of persuasive writing including examples of persuasive writing 3rd grade.

Argumentative Essay How to Write
It doesn’t matter if you are requiring students to write citing text evidence or write to respond to a prompt, they still need to argue their side of the issue at hand. Call it persuasive writing or argumentative writing, the label doesn’t matter as long as students learn to convince the reader. Should you use a formulaic approach? Absolutely. Here is why; most of your students will need it and those that don’t can adapt it to meet their creative style.
Begin by allowing them to argue. For example, should animals be kept in zoos? Have them engage with a group or shoulder partner to argue their position on an issue. This would be their informal argument. it is what would be expected if responding to a prompt with no sources. Next, give them time to research and try again. Now they have text evidence to back up their position. How is the argument different? Once they have finished, have them form their thesis and reasons they will focus on for their essay. You have now set the stage to begin a successful persuasive writing lesson that will end with well-developed essays.

Techniques of Persuasive Writing
Most kids, especially reluctant writers want structure. Let’s face it, adults want it as well. Having a format for persuasive writing essays is a must. When you give them a format for persuasive writing essays, it takes away the anxiety. HERE is access to free lessons that give you this structure. On the left, choose “Trial” for all of the free lessons. For persuasive, Write Bright uses a formula for source writing and a different formula for prompt writing. Some state standards require students to write using text evidence, while others require students to respond to a prompt with no sources given. Luckily, there are formulas available for either option. These formulas take students step-by-step through composing a 4 or 5 paragraph essay.
Won’t a formula take away from creativity? I have been doing this for 24 years. Trust me when I say that creativity can still exist within a formula. Not to mention, the formula can be shifted for those that are strong writers. If they know what they are doing, let them go rouge. There is no need to keep a student in a box if he or she has the ability to fly solo. There are not many that can handle this, but when they can, I let them fly.

Example of Persuasive Essay
I always provide students with samples of persuasive writing. Giving samples of persuasive writing allows students to better understand expectations. It models what good writing looks like. An example of persuasive essay also shows students how to bring creativity into their writing through elements such as figurative language and personal experience.
What if they copy the example essay? Here is how I handle this. If they copy word-for-word, they have to redo it. If they steal ideas from the sample, but use their own words, I let them. Eventually, they will begin to form their own ideas. In the beginning, you want them writing. Even if they are piggybacking off ideas from the example. As time goes on, they will no longer want to use the ideas given. They will have the writing process down so they can focus more on coming up with their own creative elements. This is when things get really exciting for writers.
Graphic Organizers for Persuasive Writing
Let’s be honest, students love graphic organizers and teachers do too! They are fun, pretty, and add a little excitement to school work. From hamburgers to clouds, there are a lot out there. Search the web and find the one that you like best. We all have a style. Choose what you are most comfortable with. After all, you are the one that must teach students to write. You need to feel like you have the best tools in your toolbelt that will allow you do get the job done. Here is my tip; don’t choose a graphic organizer that requires too much writing. Save the writing for the actual essay. My recommendation: keep it simple! Making writing clear, organized, and as stress-free as possible will allow both you and your students to enjoy the journey without too many tears.

Anchor Charts for Persuasive Writing
Anchor charts are great for all writers, especially struggling writers. There are charts for transitions, OREO anchor charts, PEEL anchor charts, elaboration ideas, and more. If you can’t find the one you want, make your own! Use what will help your students write better essays with ease. They will appreciate you for giving them the tools they need to succeed!

Topic for Persuasive Writing
So where do you find all of these writing lessons. Well, there are programs schools can purchase such as Write Bright or teachers can collect writing lessons as they find them. HERE are some more that are free and ready to use for both source and prompt writing.